List of cram synonyms and cram related words.
allay, assault, batten, bear, bear upon, bolt, bolt down, bone up, boost, brim, brush up, buck, bull, bulldoze, bump, bump against, bunt, butt, butt against, charge, chock, choke, cloy, coach, compact, compress, concentrate, condense, congest, consolidate, cram in, cram up, cram with facts, crowd, crowd in, crush, densen, densify, devour, dig, drench, drive, drive in, elbow, engorge, fill, fill to overflowing, fill up, force, force in, freight, get up, get up on, glut, gluttonize, goad, gobble, gorge, gormandize, grind, gulp, gulp down, guttle, guzzle, heap, hurtle, hustle, impact, ingurgitate, jab, jade, jam, jam in, jam-pack, jog, joggle, jolt, jostle, knock in, lade, live to eat, load, lucubrate, nudge, overburden, overcharge, overdose, overeat, overfeed, overfill, overgorge, overlade, overload, oversaturate, overstuff, overweight, pack, pack in, pad, pall, pang, pile drive, plunge in, poke, poke in, polish up, pound in, press, press in, prime, prod, punch, push, push in, ram, ram down, ram in, rattle, raven, read up on, review, rub up, run, run against, run in, sate, satiate, satisfy, saturate, shake, shoulder, shove, slake, slop, soak, solidify, squash, squeeze, squeeze in, stress, study, study up, study up on, stuff, stuff in, stuff with knowledge, supercharge, supersaturate, surcharge, surfeit, swot, tamp, tamp in, thrust, thrust in, top off, tutor, wad, wedge, wedge in, weight, wolf, wolf down