List of cramped synonyms and cramped related words.
Latinate, angustifoliate, angustirostrate, angustisellate, angustiseptal, authoritarian, awkward, barred, beleaguered, beset, besieged, bigot, bigoted, blockaded, bombastic, borne, bound, bounded, boxed in, cabined, caged, circumscribed, clamped, cloistered, close, close-fitting, closed, closed-in, compressed, concentrated, condensed, conditioned, confined, consolidated, constricted, contracted, cooped, copyrighted, cordoned, cordoned off, corralled, cramp, creedbound, cribbed, crowded, cumbrous, deaf, deaf to reason, dinky, disciplined, elephantine, enclosed, exiguous, fanatical, fenced, finite, forced, formal, guinde, half-pint, halting, heavy, hedged, hedged about, hedged in, hemmed, hemmed in, hidebound, icebound, illiberal, immured, imprisoned, incapacious, incarcerated, incommodious, inkhorn, insular, isthmian, isthmic, jailed, knee-high, knitted, labored, landlocked, leaden, leaguered, limited, little, little-minded, lumbering, meager, mean, mean-minded, mean-spirited, mewed, minute, moderated, narrow, narrow-hearted, narrow-minded, narrow-souled, narrow-spirited, near, nearsighted, nipped, one-horse, paled, parochial, patented, penned, pent-up, petite, petty, piddling, pinched, pinched-in, pindling, pint-sized, poky, pompous, ponderous, prescribed, proscribed, provincial, puckered, puny, purblind, pursed, qualified, quarantined, railed, restrained, restricted, scant, scanty, sesquipedalian, short, shortsighted, shut-in, slender, slight, small, small-minded, smallish, snowbound, solidified, squeezed, stiff, stilted, stinted, strait, straitened, straitlaced, strangled, strangulated, stuffy, tight, tiny, turgid, two-by-four, uncatholic, uncharitable, uncomfortable, ungenerous, unliberal, unwieldy, walled, walled-in, wasp-waisted, windbound, wrinkled, ,