List of credit synonyms and credit related words.
accept, accept for gospel, accept implicitly, acceptability, acceptation, acception, acclaim, account, account for, accounting for, accredit, accredit with, accrete to, acknowledge, acknowledgment, acquiescence, answerability, application, apply to, approbation, approval, arrogation, ascendancy, ascribe, ascribe to, ascription, assign, assign to, assignation, assignment, assurance, assuredness, attach to, attachment, attribute, attribute to, attribution, authority, avails, balance, balance the books, be certain, belief, believability, believableness, believe, believe without reservation, benediction, blame, blame for, blame on, bless, book, box office, bring home to, buy, capitalize, carry, carry over, cast up accounts, certainty, charge, charge off, charge on, charge to, charisma, charm, close out, close the books, clout, cognizance, commendation, commissions, conceivability, confess, confidence, connect with, connection with, consequence, consider, consideration, control, credence, credibility, credit with, crediting, credits, credulity, debit, deem, deficit, depend on, dependability, dependence, derivation from, difference, discrepancy, disposable income, distinction, dividend, dividends, docket, dominance, domination, double entry, due, earned income, earnings, effect, eminence, enchantment, enter, entry, epact, esteem, estimation, etiology, faith, faithfulness, fasten upon, father upon, favor, feel, fix on, fix upon, force, gains, gate, gate receipts, get, give credit, give faith to, give thanks, glory, good feeling, grace, great honor, gross, gross income, gross receipts, hang on, hold, honesty, honor, hope, hymn, importance, imputation, impute, impute to, incidental power, income, influence, influentiality, insinuation, intake, item, journalize, keep books, lay, lay to, leadership, leverage, log, magnetism, make, make acknowledgments of, make an entry, mastery, merit, minute, moment, net, net income, net receipts, notation, note, offer thanks, ornament, output, paean, palaetiology, personality, persuasion, pin on, pinpoint, place upon, placement, plausibility, point to, post, post up, potency, power, praise, prayer of thanks, predominance, preponderance, pressure, prestige, probity, proceeds, produce, profits, purchase, put faith in, receipt, receipts, receivables, receive, reception, recognition, recognize, refer, refer to, reference to, regard, reign, reliability, reliance, reliance on, rely on, remainder, render credit, render thanks, repute, respect, responsibility, return thanks, returns, revenue, right, royalties, rule, saddle on, saddle with, saddling, say, sense, set down to, set store by, settle upon, single entry, solvency, stock, store, strike a balance, suasion, subtle influence, suggestion, supremacy, sureness, surety, surplus, suspension of disbelief, swallow, sway, take, take for granted, take on faith, take on trust, take stock in, take-in, takings, tenability, thank, thank offering, thank-you, thanks, thanksgiving, think, tribute, trust, trustworthiness, unearned income, upper hand, weight, what is owing, whip hand, worth, yield