List of creep synonyms and creep related words.
SOB, all fours, amble, andante, bastard, bend the knee, bootlick, bow, bow and scrape, bugger, claudicate, claudication, couch, cower, crawl, crawling, creeping, cringe, crouch, dead march, dogtrot, drag, drag along, drag on, drag out, fart, fawn, feel creepy, feel funny, flatter, footpace, funeral march, go dead slow, go on, go on tiptoe, go slow, grovel, gumshoe, gumshoeing, have gooseflesh, have the creeps, heel, hobble, hood, hooligan, idle, inch, inch along, jerk, jog, jog trot, jog-trot, kneel, kowtow, lay wait, laze, leisurely gait, lick the dust, lickspittle, lie in wait, limp, linger, linger on, louse, lumbering pace, lurk, meanie, mincing steps, mosey, mother, nightwalk, nightwalking, pad, padding, pill, plod, poke, poke along, prowl, prowling, pussyfoot, pussyfooting, rack, rat, saunter, scrabble, scramble, shadow, shamble, shit, shithead, shitheel, shuffle, shuffle along, sidle, sidling, skulk, slink, slinking, slither, slouch, slow march, slow motion, snake, snaking, sneak, sneaking, squirm, stagger along, stalk, steal, steal along, stealing, stinkard, stinker, stoop, stroll, tarry, tippytoe, tiptoe, tiptoeing, toadeat, toady, toddle, toddle along, totter along, traipse, truckle, trudge, turd, waddle, walk, wear on, wiggle, worm, worm along, worming, wriggle