List of criminal synonyms and criminal related words.
Judas, Mafioso, aberrant, abnormal, abominable, actionable, against the law, amoral, anarchic, anarchistic, anomic, arraignable, arrant, at fault, atrocious, bad, bad guy, bad person, base, betrayer, black, black-market, blackguard, blamable, blameworthy, bootleg, censurable, chargeable, conscienceless, contraband, contrary to law, convict, corrupt, corrupted, crook, crooked, culpable, culprit, damnable, dark, deceiver, delinquent, depraved, desperado, desperate criminal, deviant, devious, disgraceful, dishonest, dishonorable, double-dealer, doubtful, dubious, evasive, evil, evildoer, evildoing, execrable, faulty, felon, felonious, fishy, flagitious, flagrant, flawed, foul, fraudulent, fugitive, gallows bird, gangster, gaolbird, guilty, hardly the thing, heinous, hood, hoodlum, hooligan, ignominious, ill-got, ill-gotten, illegal, illegitimate, illicit, immoral, impeachable, impermissible, implicated, improper, inappropriate, incorrect, inculpated, indecorous, indictable, indirect, infamous, iniquitous, insidious, involved, irregular, jailbird, justiciable, knave, knavish, lawbreaker, lawless, low, malefactor, malefactory, malevolent, malfeasant, malfeasor, miscreant, misfeasor, mobster, monstrous, naughty, nefarious, nonconstitutional, nonlegal, nonlicit, not done, not kosher, not the thing, off-base, off-color, offender, out-of-line, outlaw, outlawed, peccant, public enemy, punishable, questionable, quisling, racketeer, rank, reprehensible, reproachable, reprobate, reprovable, rotten, roughneck, ruffian, sacrilegious, scandalous, scofflaw, scoundrel, shady, shameful, shameless, shifty, sinful, sinister, sinner, slippery, suspicious, swindler, terrible, terrorist, thief, thug, to blame, tough, traitor, transgressor, trespasser, triable, tricky, two-timer, unallowed, unauthorized, unconscienced, unconscientious, unconscionable, unconstitutional, under-the-counter, under-the-table, underhand, underhanded, undue, unethical, unfit, unfitting, unforgivable, unlawful, unofficial, unpardonable, unprincipled, unrighteous, unsavory, unscrupulous, unseemly, unspeakable, unstatutory, unstraightforward, unsuitable, unwarrantable, unwarranted, unworthy, vicious, vile, villain, villainous, wicked, without remorse, without shame, worker of ill, wrong, wrongdoer, wrongdoing, wrongful