List of critter synonyms and critter related words.
Brahman, Houyhnhnm, Indian buffalo, an existence, animal, aurochs, beast, beef, beef cattle, beeves, being, bison, body, bossy, bovine, bovine animal, brood mare, brute, buffalo, bull, bullock, calf, carabao, cattle, charger, colt, courser, cow, creature, creeping thing, dairy cattle, dairy cow, dobbin, dogie, dumb animal, dumb friend, entelechy, entire, entire horse, entity, equine, filly, foal, gelding, heifer, hornless cow, horse, individual, kine, leppy, life, living being, living thing, mare, maverick, milch cow, milcher, milk cow, milker, monad, mount, muley cow, muley head, musk-ox, nag, neat, object, organism, ox, oxen, person, persona, personality, prancer, something, soul, stallion, steed, steer, stirk, stot, stud, studhorse, tarpan, thing, top horse, unit, varmint, war-horse, wild horse, wisent, yak, yearling, zebu