List of croak synonyms and croak related words.
air a grievance, aphonia, apprehend, artificial voice, beef, belch, bellyache, bitch, blare, blast, blat, blot out, bode, bray, broken speech, broken tones, broken voice, bump off, burr, buy it, buzz, cackle, call, carol, cash in, caw, chatter, check in, check out, cheep, childish treble, chirk, chirp, chirr, chirrup, chitter, choked voice, chuck, clack, clamor, clang, clangor, clank, clash, cluck, cock-a-doodle-doo, complain, conk, coo, crab, cracked voice, craunch, cronk, crow, crump, crunch, cuckoo, die, do in, drawl, drop off, drum, dysarthria, dyslalia, dyslogia, dysphasia, dysphonia, dysphrasia, erase, expire, falsetto, fix, forebode, forewarn, fret, fret and fume, fuss, gabble, gaggle, get, give the business, go west, gobble, grind, gripe, groan, grouch, grouse, growl, grumble, grunt, guggle, gun down, harshness, have a premonition, have a presentiment, have it, hawking voice, hiss, hit, hoarseness, holler, honk, hoo, hoot, howl, ice, idioglossia, idiolalia, impairment of speech, jangle, jar, kick, kick in, kick off, kick the bucket, knock off, lay out, lisp, lisping, lodge a complaint, look black, loss of voice, lower, menace, mince, murmur, mutter, muzzy speech, nasal tone, nasalization, off, pass, pass away, pass out, peep, peg out, pip, pipe, pipe off, polish off, pop off, portend, preapprehend, quack, quarrel, quaver, raise a howl, rasp, register a complaint, roll, rub out, scold, scranch, scrape, scratch, scrunch, settle, shake, shove off, sibilation, sing, snarl, snore, speech defect, speech impediment, squawk, step off, take care of, take on, talk incoherently, threaten, tremor, trill, twang, tweet, twit, twitter, warble, warn, waste, whistle, wipe out, yap, yelp, zap