List of crown synonyms and crown related words.
Her Highness, Her Majesty, His Majesty, O, Old Mug, achievement, acme, aggrandize, alerion, all, animal charge, anklet, annular muscle, annulet, annulus, anoint, apex, apogee, apotheose, apotheosize, areola, argent, armlet, armorial bearings, armory, arms, aureole, authority, azure, baby tooth, bandeau, bangle, bar, bar sinister, baton, bawbee, bays, beads, bean, bearings, beatify, bend, bend sinister, bicuspid, bijou, billet, blanket, blazon, blazonry, bonnet, bordure, bracelet, bracket capital, breastpin, broad arrow, brooch, brow, bucktooth, button up, cadency mark, canine, canonize, canton, cap, cap of dignity, cap of maintenance, capital, capsheaf, capstone, caput, carry to completion, ceil, ceiling, ceiling fixture, chain, chair, chandelier, chaplet, charge, charm, chatelaine, chevron, chief, circle, circlet, circuit, circumference, circus, cite, civic crown, clean up, climax, close out, close up, closed circle, cloud nine, coat of arms, cockatrice, coif, coin, complete, conclude, consummate, copestone, cork, cornice, corona, corona lucis, coronal, coronet, crescent, crest, cross, cross moline, crown with laurel, culmen, culminate, culmination, cup, cuspid, cutter, cycle, deciduous tooth, decorate, deify, dent, denticle, denticulation, dentil, dentition, develop, device, diadem, difference, differencing, discus, disk, do honor, do to perfection, dogtooth, dollar, dome, dominion, double eagle, doubloon, ducat, duodecimo, eagle, earring, edge, eighteenmo, electrolier, elevate, emperor, empress, end, ennoble, enshrine, enthrone, ermine, ermines, erminites, erminois, escutcheon, eternal return, exalt, extreme, extreme limit, extremity, eyetooth, fairy ring, falcon, fang, farthing, fess, fess point, field, file, fillet, final stroke, final touch, finalize, finish, finish off, finish up, finisher, finishing stroke, five-dollar gold piece, fiver, flanch, fleur-de-lis, florin, fob, folio, fore tooth, fourpence, fourpenny, fret, frost, fur, fusil, gagtooth, gang tooth, garland, gasolier, gem, get done, get it over, get through, get through with, glamorize, glorify, glory, gold piece, gold tooth, government, great seal, griffin, grinder, groat, guinea, gules, gyron, half crown, half dollar, half eagle, halfpenny, halo, hard money, hat, hatchment, head, heading, headpiece, heaven, heavens, height, helmet, heraldic device, high noon, highest degree, highest pitch, highest point, honor, honor point, hood, ice, immortalize, impalement, impaling, imperial, improve, inaugurate, incisor, induct, inescutcheon, install, instate, invest, jewel, jurisdiction, king, label, lasso, last stroke, last touch, laurel, laurels, limit, lion, lionize, locket, logical circle, loop, looplet, loving cup, lozenge, luster, mag, magic circle, magnify, make legendary, mantling, marshaling, martlet, mascle, mature, maximum, medium, meg, meridian, metal, milk tooth, mite, moidore, molar, monarch, monkey, mop up, motto, mountaintop, mullet, napoleon, ne plus ultra, necklace, new pence, no place higher, noddle, noggin, nombril point, noodle, noon, noose, nose ring, np, nth degree, octavo, octodecimo, octofoil, or, orb, orbit, ordinary, orle, outtop, overarch, overcast, overlay, overspread, overtop, p, pale, palm, palms, paly, pate, pay regard to, pay tribute, peak, pean, peg, pence, penny, perfect, permanent tooth, pheon, piece, piece of money, piece of silver, pin, pinhead, pinnacle, pitch, pivot tooth, place, place in office, point, pole, poll, pony, pot, potentate, pound, pound sovereign, praise, precious stone, premolar, privy seal, purple, purple pall, purpure, put in, quarter, quartering, quarto, queen, quid, radius, raise, realm, regalia, render honor to, reward, rhinestone, ridge, ring, ripen, robe of state, rod, rod of empire, roll of coins, rondelle, roof, roof in, rose, rouleau, round, round out, roundel, royal, royal crown, rule, ruler, sable, saint, saltire, sanctify, saucer, scepter, sconce, scrivello, scutcheon, seal, set up, seventh heaven, sextodecimo, shield, shilling, signet, sixpence, sixteenmo, sky, snag, snaggletooth, sovereign, sovereignty, specie, sphincter, spire, spread eagle, stickpin, stone, stopper, subordinary, summit, super, surmount, ten-dollar gold piece, tenne, tenner, terminate, the whole, threepence, threepenny bit, thrippence, throne, tiara, tincture, tip, tip-top, tooth, top, top off, top out, topknot, torque, torse, tressure, triple plume, trophy, tuppence, tush, tusk, twelvemo, twenty-dollar gold piece, twopence, unicorn, uplift, upmost, upper extremity, uppermost, uraeus, utmost, utmost extent, uttermost, vair, vert, vertex, very top, vicious circle, wampum, wheel, wind up, wisdom tooth, wrap up, wreath, wristband, wristlet, yale, zenith