List of cuff synonyms and cuff related words.
Oregon boat, bat, bilbo, blip, blow, bond, bonds, box, box the ears, bridle, buffet, bust, camisole, chains, chop, clip, clout, collar, cuffs, cut, fetter, flap, gag, gyves, halter, hamper, handcuffs, haymaker, hit, hobbles, hopples, irons, lash, leading strings, leash, manacle, muzzle, paste, pillory, poke, punch, reins, restraint, restraints, shackle, slap, slap the face, smack, sock, spank, spat, stocks, straightjacket, strait-waistcoat, straitjacket, stranglehold, strike, stripe, swack, tether, token punishment, trammel, trammels, wallop, whack, whip, whomp, yoke