List of cunning synonyms and cunning related words.
Byzantine, Daedalian, Machiavellian, Machiavellianism, Machiavellic, ability, acute, address, adept, adeptness, adroit, adroitness, agility, airmanship, ambidexterity, ambidextrous, animal cunning, apt, arch, art, artful, artfulness, artifice, artisanship, artistic, artistry, astute, authoritative, bad faith, bravura, brilliance, brilliant, cagey, cageyness, calculating, canniness, canny, capability, capacity, chiseling, clean, clever, cleverness, collusive, command, competence, control, coordinated, coordination, covinous, crack, crackerjack, craft, craftiness, craftsmanship, crafty, crooked, cunning, cunningness, cute, daedal, dainty, deceit, deceitful, deceitfulness, deep, deep-laid, deft, deftness, delicate, designing, devious, deviousness, dexterity, dexterous, dexterousness, dextrous, dextrousness, diplomacy, diplomatic, dishonest, dishonesty, dissemblance, dissimulation, double, double-dealing, double-faced, double-minded, double-tongued, doublehearted, doubleness, doubleness of heart, duplicitous, duplicity, efficiency, excellent, expert, expertise, expertness, facility, faithless, faithlessness, false, false-principled, falsehearted, falseheartedness, falseness, fancy, feline, finagling, finesse, foxiness, foxy, fraudulent, furtive, furtiveness, good, goodish, grace, graceful, grip, guile, guileful, guilefulness, handiness, handy, horsemanship, hypocrisy, improbity, indirect, indirection, ingenious, ingeniousness, ingenuity, insidious, insidiousness, inventive, keen, know-how, knowing, low cunning, magisterial, marksmanship, masterful, masterly, mastership, mastery, mignon, neat, no mean, pawkiness, pawky, perfidious, politic, practical ability, professional, proficiency, proficient, prowess, quick, quickness, quite some, readiness, ready, resource, resourceful, resourcefulness, satanic cunning, savoir-faire, savvy, scheming, seamanship, serpentine, sharp, sharpness, shiftiness, shifty, shrewd, shrewdness, skill, skillful, skillfulness, slick, slickness, slim, slippery, sly, slyness, smart, smooth, snaky, sneak attack, sneakiness, sneaky, some, sophistical, statesmanlike, stealthy, strategic, style, stylish, subtile, subtility, subtilty, subtle, subtlety, supple, surreptitious, surreptitiousness, tact, tactful, tactfulness, tactical, technical brilliance, technical mastery, technical skill, technique, the compleat, the complete, timing, treacherous, treacherousness, treachery, trickiness, trickish, tricksy, tricky, two-faced, two-facedness, underhand, underhanded, underhandedness, virtuosity, virtuoso, vulpine, wary, well-considered, well-contrived, well-designed, well-devised, well-done, well-invented, well-laid, well-planned, well-reasoned, well-thought-out, well-weighed, wile, wiliness, wily, wit, wizardry, workmanlike, workmanship