List of curate synonyms and curate related words.
DD, Doctor of Divinity, Grand Penitentiary, Holy Father, Holy Joe, abbe, abuna, antipope, archbishop, archdeacon, archpriest, bishop, bishop coadjutor, canon, cardinal, cardinal bishop, cardinal deacon, cardinal priest, chaplain, churchman, clergyman, cleric, clerical, clerk, coadjutor, cure, dean, diocesan, divine, ecclesiarch, ecclesiastic, exarch, hierarch, high priest, man of God, metropolitan, military chaplain, minister, padre, papa, parson, pastor, patriarch, penitentiary, pontiff, pope, prebendary, prelate, primate, rector, reverend, rural dean, servant of God, shepherd, sky pilot, subdean, suffragan, supply clergy, supply minister, the Reverend, the very Reverend, tonsured cleric, vicar