List of cut short synonyms and cut short related words.
abbreviate, abbreviated, abridge, abridged, abstract, abstracted, arrest, block, bob, bobbed, boil down, brake, bring to, bring up short, butchered, capsule, capsulize, capsulized, castrated, check, checkmate, choke, choke off, clip, clipped, compress, compressed, condense, condensed, contract, crop, cropped, curtail, curtailed, cut, cut back, cut down, cut off, cut off short, dam, deadlock, digested, dispose of, do away with, dock, docked, draw rein, dumbfound, elide, elided, elliptic, end, epitomize, finish, finish off, foreshorten, freeze, gag, garbled, get rid of, halt, hashed, hush, hush-hush, kill, lopped, make away with, mangled, mow, mowed, mown, muffle, mutilated, muzzle, nip, nipped, poll, pollard, polled, prune, pruned, pull up, put paid to, put to silence, quiet, quieten, reap, reaped, recap, recapitulate, reduce, retrench, shave, shaved, shear, sheared, short-cut, shorten, shortened, shush, shut down on, silence, slaughter, snub, snubbed, soft-pedal, squash, squelch, stalemate, stall, stay, stem, stem the tide, stifle, still, stop, stop cold, stop dead, stop short, strike dumb, stunt, sum up, summarize, synopsize, take in, take off, telescope, throttle, to, trim, trimmed, truncate, truncated