List of cyclone synonyms and cyclone related words.
air mass, anticyclone, baguio, blaze, burst, cold front, cold sector, convulsion, dirty weather, dust devil, eruption, explosion, fit, flare-up, foul weather, front, gale, gust, high, high-pressure area, hurricane, irruption, isobar, isometric, isometric line, isopiestic line, isotherm, isothermal line, line squall, low, low-pressure area, occluded front, outbreak, outburst, paroxysm, polar front, rainspout, rainstorm, rotary storm, rough weather, sand column, sandspout, seizure, snowstorm, spasm, squall, squall line, stationary front, storm, stormy weather, tempest, tempestuous rage, thunderstorm, tornado, twister, typhoon, upheaval, warm front, waterspout, weather map, whirlblast, whirlwind, wind eddy, wind-shift line, windstorm