List of cyclorama synonyms and cyclorama related words.
abstract, abstraction, act drop, altarpiece, asbestos, asbestos board, backdrop, batten, block print, border, cloth, collage, color print, copy, cosmorama, coulisse, counterweight, curtain, curtain board, daub, decor, diorama, diptych, display, drop, drop curtain, engraving, exhibit, exhibition, exposition, fire curtain, flat, flipper, fresco, georama, hanging, icon, illumination, illustration, image, light show, likeness, miniature, montage, mosaic, mural, myriorama, pageant, pageantry, panorama, parade, phantasmagoria, photograph, picture, pomp, presentation, print, psychedelic show, rag, representation, reproduction, scene, scenery, screen, shifting scene, show, side scene, sight, spectacle, stage screw, stage show, stained glass window, stencil, still life, tab, tableau, tableau vivant, tapestry, teaser, tormentor, transformation, transformation scene, triptych, wall painting, wing, wingcut, woodcut