List of dam synonyms and dam related words.
arch dam, arrest, artificial lake, backstop, bamboo curtain, bank, bar, barrage, barrier, bayou lake, bear-trap dam, beaver dam, bind, block, block up, blockade, boom, bottle up, brake, breakwater, breastwork, brick wall, bring to, bring up short, buffer, bulkhead, bulwark, bung, caulk, check, checkmate, chink, choke, choke off, choke up, cistern, clog, clog up, cofferdam, congest, constipate, cork, countercheck, cover, curb, cut short, dam up, damp, dampen, dead water, deadlock, defense, delay, detain, dike, ditch, draw rein, earthwork, embankment, etang, farm pond, fence, fill, fill up, fishpond, foster mother, foul, freeze, freshwater lake, gate, genetrix, glacial lake, gravity dam, groin, halt, hinder, hold back, hold in check, hold up, hydraulic-fill dam, impede, inhibit, inland sea, intercept, interfere, intermeddle, interrupt, intervene, iron curtain, jam, jetty, keep back, keep in check, lagoon, laguna, lake, lakelet, landlocked water, leaping weir, levee, linn, loch, logjam, lough, ma, mam, mama, mammy, mater, materfamilias, maternal ancestor, matriarch, meddle, mere, milldam, millpond, millpool, moat, mole, mom, mommy, mother, mound, mummy, nyanza, obstipate, obstruct, oppose, oxbow lake, pack, parapet, plash, plug, plug up, pond, pondlet, pool, portcullis, puddle, pull up, put paid to, rampart, repress, reservoir, resist, restrain, retard, roadblock, rock-fill dam, salina, salt pond, scotch, seawall, set back, shutter dam, slacken, snub, spile, stagnant water, stalemate, stall, stanch, standing water, stay, stem, stem the tide, stench, stepmother, still water, stone wall, stop, stop cold, stop dead, stop short, stop up, stopper, stopple, stuff, stuff up, sump, suppress, tank, tarn, the old woman, tidal pond, volcanic lake, wall, water hole, water pocket, weir, well, wicket dam, work