List of daub synonyms and daub related words.
abstract, abstraction, altarpiece, anamorphosis, anoint, apply paint, attaint, bad likeness, bedaub, bedizen, beeswax, begild, besmear, besmirch, besmoke, besmutch, besoil, bestain, black, blacken, block print, bloodstain, blot, blotch, blur, botch, brand, brush on paint, burlesque, butter, calcimine, caricature, cartoon, chalk, charcoal, coat, collage, color, color print, complexion, copy, cover, crayon, crosshatch, cyclorama, dab, dapple, darken, dash off, deep-dye, delineate, depict, design, diagram, dip, diptych, dirty, discolor, distemper, distortion, doodle, double-dye, draft, draw, dress, dye, emblazon, embrocate, enamel, engild, engraving, eyesore, face, fast-dye, fleck, flick, flyspeck, fresco, gild, glaze, gloss, glycerolate, grain, grease, grease the wheels, hatch, hue, icon, illuminate, illumination, illustration, image, imbue, ingrain, japan, lacquer, lard, lay on, lay on color, likeness, limn, lubricate, macula, maculation, macule, mark, miniature, misdraw, mispaint, montage, mosaic, mural, oil, paint, paint a picture, panorama, parget, parody, patch, pencil, photograph, picture, picturize, pigment, plaster, pomade, portray, prime, print, representation, reproduction, salve, scorch, scratch, scribble, scumble, sear, shade, shadow, shellac, singe, sketch, slap on, slather, slick, slick on, slop on paint, slubber, slur, smarm, smear, smear on, smirch, smoke, smooth the way, smouch, smudge, smut, smutch, soap the ways, soil, spatter, speck, speckle, splash, splatter, splotch, spot, spread on, spread with, stain, stained glass window, stencil, stigma, stigmatize, still life, stipple, sully, tableau, taint, tapestry, tar, tarnish, tinct, tincture, tinge, tint, tone, trace, travesty, triptych, undercoat, unguent, variegate, varnish, wall painting, wash, wax, whitewash