List of debilitate synonyms and debilitate related words.
abate, afflict, attenuate, beat, blunt, bugger, burn out, cramp, cripple, damp, dampen, de-energize, deaden, derange, devitalize, disable, disenable, disorder, do in, do up, drain, dull, enervate, enfeeble, eviscerate, exhaust, extenuate, fag, fag out, fatigue, flag, frazzle, gruel, hamstring, harass, hors de combat, hospitalize, hurt, inactivate, incapacitate, indispose, invalid, jade, kibosh, knock out, knock up, lame, lay low, lay up, maim, mar, mitigate, overfatigue, overstrain, overtire, overweary, poop, poop out, prostrate, put, queer, queer the works, rattle, reduce, sabotage, sap, shake, shake up, sicken, soften up, spike, spoil, tire, tire out, tire to death, tucker, unbrace, undermine, unfit, unman, unnerve, unstrengthen, unstring, use up, weaken, wear, wear down, wear on, wear out, weary, wilt, wind, wing, wreck