List of deceleration synonyms and deceleration related words.
arrest, arrestation, catabasis, check, collapse, constraint, control, cooling, cooling down, cooling off, crash, curb, curtailment, declension, decline, decline and fall, decrescendo, delay, detention, diminuendo, dive, downtrend, downturn, drag, drop, dwindling, ease-off, ease-up, ebb, fall, flagging, hindrance, holdup, inhibition, injunction, interdict, lag, lapse, legal restraint, letdown, letup, minus acceleration, monopoly, obstruction, plunge, prohibition, protection, protectionism, protective tariff, rationing, rein, remission, restraint, restraint of trade, retardation, retardment, retreat, retrenchment, self-control, setback, slack-up, slackening, slowdown, slowing, slowing down, slowup, slump, subsidence, tariff wall, thought control, wane