List of decline synonyms and decline related words.
abate, abatement, abjure, ablate, abstain, abstain from, age, analyze, anility, arrear, arrearage, arrears, ascend, asking price, avoid, backslide, backsliding, balk, bank, bate, be eaten away, be found wanting, be unmoved, be unwilling, bearish prices, beat down, beg off, bid price, boggle, book value, bracket, break, brush aside, bullish prices, bypass, cadence, caducity, call price, cant, careen, catabasis, catenary, cave, cave in, cessation, cheapen, cheapening, cheat the undertaker, childishness, chuck, chuck out, climb, close, closing, closing price, collapse, come apart, come down, come short, come unstuck, comedown, conjugate, conk out, consume, consume away, contemn, contradict, corrode, crash, crumble, cut, cut prices, debasement, debility, decadence, decadency, decay, deceleration, declension, declination, decline and fall, decline to accept, declivity, decrease, decrescendo, decurrence, defalcation, default, defectiveness, deficit, deflate, deflation, deformation, degeneracy, degenerate, degenerateness, degeneration, degradation, delinquency, deliquesce, demotion, demur, deny, depravation, depravedness, depreciate, depreciation, depression, derogation, descend, descent, despise, deteriorate, deterioration, devaluate, devaluation, devitalization, devolution, die, die away, diminish, diminuendo, diminution, dip, disagree, disallow, disapprove, discard, disclaim, discount, disdain, disimprove, disintegrate, dismiss, disown, disregard, dissent, dive, dodder, dotage, dotardism, downfall, downgate, downgrade, downhill, downslide, downswing, downtrend, downturn, downward mobility, downward trend, drift away, droop, drop, drop down, drop off, dwindle, dwindling, dying, ebb, ebbing, effeteness, erode, except, exclude, face value, fade, fading, fail, failing, failure, failure of nerve, faint, fall, fall away, fall in price, fall off, fall short, falling off, falling short, falling-off, falloff, fixed price, fizzle out, flag, flash price, flop, flop down, flump, flump down, flurry, flutter, forbear, forgo, forswear, founder, gainsay, get along, get on, give out, give way, go, go away, go down, go downhill, go off, go soft, go to pieces, go to pot, go uphill, grade, grow old, hang, hanging, have a comedown, high, hit a slump, hit rock bottom, hit the skids, hold out against, homestretch, hyphenate, ignore, imperfection, inadequacy, incline, inferiority, inflect, insufficiency, involution, issue par, issue price, jew down, jib, keel, lack, lag, languish, lapse, last lap, last round, last stage, lean, lessen, lessening, let up, list, lose ground, lose strength, loss, loss of tone, low, lower, lowering, mark, mark down, markdown, market price, market value, melt away, move away, move off, negate, negative, nominal value, nose dive, nose-dive, not answer, not buy, not consent, not hack it, not hear of, not make it, not make out, not measure up, not stretch, not suffice, not think of, offering price, opening price, par, par value, pare, parenthesize, parity, parse, pass by, pass up, peak, peg out, peter out, pine, pitch, plop, plop down, plummet, plummeting, plump, plunge, point, poop out, price, price cut, price fall, price reduction, pull away, punctuate, push aside, put price, quotation, quoted price, rake, rally, reach the depths, rebuff, recant, recede, reduce, reduction, refrain, refuse, refuse consent, refuse to consider, regression, reject, relapse, remission, renounce, repel, reprobate, repudiate, repulse, resist entreaty, resist persuasion, retire, retreat, retrocede, retrocession, retrogradation, retrograde, retrogression, return, revert, rise, rot, run down, run low, run short, sag, say nay, say no, scout, scruple, second childhood, senectitude, senile debility, senile dementia, senile psychosis, senile weakness, senilism, senility, set, settle, settle down, settling price, shake, shave, shelve, short measure, shortage, shortcoming, shortfall, shove away, shrink, shrivel, shy, sidle, sink, sink down, sinkage, slant, slash, slide, slip, slippage, slope, slouch, slowdown, slump, slump down, spurn, stand aloof, stand off, stated value, stick, stickle, stop short, submerge, submergence, subside, subsidence, swag, sway, swings, tail off, taper off, throw away, throw out, tilt, tip, totter, touch bottom, trim, turn away, turn down, turn gray, turn out, turn white, underage, uprise, veto, vote nay, vote negatively, waive, wane, waning, want, waste, waste away, weaken, weakening, weakness, wear, wear away, wear thin, widen the distance, wilt, withdraw, wither, wither away, wizen, worsen, worsening, wrinkle, yield