List of dependent synonyms and dependent related words.
accessory, addicted, addicted to, adherent, ancillary, appendage, appurtenant, at issue, attendant, based on, boxed in, buff, cascading, cavaliere servente, charge, childlike, circumscribed, circumscribed by, client, collateral, conditional, conditioned, confiding, contingent, contingent on, counting, courtier, creature, credulous, dangler, dangling, debased, dependent on, depending, depending on, depending on circumstances, disciple, encumbrance, exposed, falling, falling loosely, fan, feudal, feudatory, flowing, flunky, follower, following, guileless, habituated, habitue, hanger-on, hanging, hedged about by, heeler, henchman, hinging on, homager, homme de cour, hooked, hooked on, humbled, hung, iffy, in a rut, in question, in suspense, in the balance, incident to, incidental to, inferior, innocent, lackey, liable, liege, liege man, limited, man, minion, myrmidon, naive, never free from, open, parasite, partisan, pendent, pending, pendulant, pendular, penduline, pendulous, pensile, pensionary, pensioner, peon, predicated on, protege, provisional, provisory, public, public charge, pursuer, pursuivant, reckoning, relative, reliant, relying, restricted, retainer, revolving on, satellite, secondary, sectary, serf, servant, servile, shadow, slave, spaced out, stooge, sub, subject, subject to, subordinate, subservient, successor, supporter, susceptible, suspended, suspenseful, swinging, tagtail, tail, trainbearer, tributary, trustful, trusting, trusty, turning on, uncertain, uncounted, undecided, under, underling, understrapper, undetermined, unestablished, unfixed, unsettled, unsuspecting, unsuspicious, untold, up for grabs, used to, vassal, votary, ward, ward heeler, weeping, without suspicion, yeoman