List of deter synonyms and deter related words.
anticipate, avert, awe, bar, block, blunt, check, chill, cool, damp, dampen, daunt, debar, deflect, disaffect, discourage, dishearten, disincline, disinterest, dissuade, distract, divert, estop, exclude, faze, fend, fend off, forbid, foreclose, forestall, frighten, help, hinder, impede, indispose, inhibit, intimidate, keep from, keep off, obstruct, obviate, overawe, preclude, prevent, prohibit, put off, quench, repel, restrain, rule out, save, scare, scare off, shake, shut out, stave off, stop, turn aside, turn away, turn from, turn off, ward, ward off, wean from