List of deterrent synonyms and deterrent related words.
admonishing, admonitory, alarming, awing, bar, block, blockade, bottleneck, catch, cautionary, cautioning, check, chill, chilling, cold water, cordon, curtain, damp, damper, daunting, determent, deterring, difficulty, disconcerting, discouragement, discouraging, disheartening, disincentive, disinclining, dismaying, disquieting, dissuading, dissuasion, dissuasive, drawback, exemplary, expostulatory, fear-inspiring, fearful, fearsome, forbidding, forestalling, frightening, frightful, hang-up, hazard, hindrance, hitch, hurdle, impediment, intimidating, joker, monitorial, monitory, notificational, notifying, objection, obstacle, obstruction, obstructive, one small difficulty, overawing, preclusive, preventative, preventive, prohibitive, prophylactic, rub, scaring, scary, snag, startling, stumbling block, stumbling stone, warning, wet blanket