List of dictum synonyms and dictum related words.
Parthian shot, a priori truth, action, adage, address, affirmance, affirmation, allegation, ana, analects, announcement, annunciation, answer, aphorism, apostrophe, apothegm, appointment, assertion, asseveration, averment, avouchment, avowal, award, axiom, brevet, brocard, bull, byword, canon, catchword, code, collected sayings, commandment, comment, conclusion, condemnation, consideration, convention, crack, creed, current saying, decision, declaration, decree, decree-law, decreement, decretal, decretum, deliverance, determination, diagnosis, dictate, diktat, distich, doom, edict, edictum, enunciation, epigram, exclamation, expression, fiat, finding, form, formula, general principle, gnome, golden rule, golden saying, greeting, guideline, guiding principle, imperative, interjection, ipse dixit, law, manifesto, maxim, mention, mitzvah, moral, mot, motto, norm, note, observation, oracle, order, ordinance, ordonnance, phrase, pithy saying, position, position paper, positive declaration, postulate, precedent, precept, predicate, predication, prescript, principium, principle, proclamation, profession, prognosis, pronouncement, pronunciamento, proposition, protest, protestation, proverb, proverbial saying, proverbs, question, reflection, regulation, remark, rescript, resolution, rubric, rule, ruling, saw, say, say-so, saying, self-evident truth, senatus consult, senatus consultum, sentence, sententious expression, settled principle, sloka, stance, stand, standard, statement, stock saying, subjoinder, sutra, teaching, tenet, text, theorem, thought, truism, truth, ukase, universal truth, utterance, verdict, verse, vouch, wisdom, wisdom literature, wise saying, witticism, word, words of wisdom, working principle, working rule