List of dike synonyms and dike related words.
Autobahn, US highway, abatis, abysm, abyss, advanced work, alley, alleyway, aqueduct, arch dam, arroyo, arterial, arterial highway, arterial street, artery, artificial lake, autoroute, autostrada, avenue, backstop, balistraria, bamboo curtain, bank, banquette, bar, barbed-wire entanglement, barbican, barrage, barricade, barrier, bartizan, bastion, battlement, bayou lake, bear-trap dam, beaver dam, belt highway, blind alley, boom, bore, boulevard, box canyon, breach, break, breakwater, breastwork, brick wall, buffer, bulkhead, bulwark, burrow, bypass, byway, camino real, canal, canalization, canalize, canyon, carriageway, carve, casemate, causeway, causey, cavity, chamfer, channel, chap, chasm, chaussee, check, cheval-de-frise, chimney, chink, chisel, chute, circumferential, circumvallation, cistern, cleft, cleuch, close, clough, cofferdam, col, contravallation, corduroy road, corrugate, coulee, couloir, counterscarp, country rock, county road, court, crack, cranny, crescent, crevasse, crevice, crimp, cul-de-sac, curtain, cut, cwm, dado, dam, dead water, dead-end street, defense, defile, dell, delve, demibastion, deposit, dig, dig out, dirt road, ditch, donga, draw, drawbridge, dredge, drill, drive, driveway, earthwork, embankment, enclosure, engrave, entanglement, entrenchment, escarp, escarpment, etang, excavate, excavation, expressway, farm pond, fault, fence, fieldwork, fishpond, fissure, flaw, flume, flute, fortalice, fortification, fosse, fracture, freeway, freshwater lake, furrow, gangue, gap, gape, gash, gate, glacial lake, glacis, goffer, gorge, gouge, gouge out, gravel road, gravity dam, groin, groove, grub, gulch, gulf, gully, gutter, ha-ha, highroad, highway, highways and byways, hole, hydraulic-fill dam, incise, incision, inland sea, interstate highway, iron curtain, jam, jetty, joint, kennel, kloof, lagoon, laguna, lake, lakelet, landlocked water, lane, leak, leaping weir, levee, linn, local road, loch, lode, lodestuff, logjam, loophole, lough, lower, lunette, machicolation, main drag, main road, mantelet, matrix, mere, merlon, mews, milldam, millpond, millpool, mine, mineral deposit, moat, mole, motorway, mound, notch, nullah, nyanza, opening, ore bed, outwork, oxbow lake, palisade, parados, parapet, parkway, pass, passage, pave, paved road, pay dirt, pike, place, plank road, plash, pleat, plow, pond, pondlet, pool, portcullis, postern gate, primary highway, private road, puddle, quarry, rabbet, rampart, ravelin, ravine, redan, redoubt, rent, reservoir, rifle, rift, right-of-way, rime, ring road, road, roadbed, roadblock, roadway, rock-fill dam, route nationale, row, royal road, rupture, rut, salina, sally port, salt pond, sap, scarp, scissure, sconce, scoop, scoop out, score, scrabble, scrape, scratch, seam, seawall, secondary road, shoot, shovel, shutter dam, sink, slit, slot, spade, speedway, split, stagnant water, standing water, state highway, still water, stock, stockade, stone wall, streak, street, striate, sump, sunk fence, superhighway, tank, tarn, tenaille, terrace, thoroughfare, through street, thruway, tidal pond, toll road, township road, trench, trough, tunnel, turnpike, vallation, valley, vallum, vein, void, volcanic lake, wadi, wall, water hole, water pocket, weir, well, wicket dam, work, wrinkle, wynd