List of dilation synonyms and dilation related words.
aggrandizement, amplification, ballyhoo, big talk, bloat, bloatedness, bloating, blowing up, boil, bump, bunion, burlesque, carbuncle, caricature, corn, cyst, development, diastole, dilatation, distension, dropsy, edema, elaboration, enhancement, enlargement, exaggerating, exaggeration, excess, exorbitance, expansion, expatiation, explication, extravagance, extreme, flatulence, flatulency, flatus, furuncle, gassiness, grandiloquence, heightening, huckstering, hyperbole, hyperbolism, inflation, inordinacy, intumescence, lump, magnification, meteorism, overemphasis, overestimation, overkill, overstatement, pimple, pock, prodigality, profuseness, puff, puffery, puffiness, puffing, puffing up, pustule, rising, sebaceous cyst, sensationalism, stretching, superlative, swell, swellage, swelling, swollenness, tall talk, touting, travesty, tumefaction, tumescence, tumidity, tumidness, tumor, turgescence, turgescency, turgidity, turgidness, tympanism, tympany, unfolding, wen, windiness, working-out