List of dingy synonyms and dingy related words.
Quaker-colored, achromatic, achromic, acier, anemic, ashen, ashy, besmirched, bled white, bloodless, blotchy, broken-down, cadaverous, canescent, cheerless, chloranemic, cinereous, cinerous, colorless, dapple, dapple-gray, dappled, dappled-gray, dark, dead, deadly pale, deathly pale, depressing, dilapidated, dim, dimmed, dirty, discolored, dismal, dove-colored, dove-gray, down-at-heel, drab, dreary, dull, dusky, dusty, etiolated, exsanguinated, exsanguine, exsanguineous, faded, faint, fallow, flat, fuliginous, ghastly, glaucescent, glaucous, gloomy, gray, gray-black, gray-brown, gray-colored, gray-drab, gray-green, gray-spotted, gray-toned, gray-white, grayed, grayish, grimy, griseous, grizzle, grizzled, grizzly, grubby, grungy, haggard, hueless, hypochromic, iron-gray, lackluster, lead-gray, leaden, livid, lurid, lusterless, mat, mealy, messy, miry, mouse-colored, mouse-gray, mousy, muddy, murky, neutral, pale, pale as death, pale-faced, pallid, pasty, pearl, pearl-gray, pearly, run-down, sad, sallow, scruffy, seedy, shabby, shadowy, sickly, silver, silver-gray, silvered, silvery, slate-colored, slaty, slovenly, smirched, smirchy, smoke-gray, smoky, smudgy, smutchy, smutty, snuffy, sober, soiled, somber, sooty, steel-gray, steely, stone-colored, sullied, tacky, tallow-faced, tarnished, taupe, tenebrous, threadbare, tired, toneless, uncolored, untidy, wan, washed-out, waxen, weak, whey-faced, white