List of disclose synonyms and disclose related words.
acknowledge, acquaint, admit, advertise, advertise of, advise, affect, affirm, allege, apprise, argue, articulate, asseverate, attest, aver, avouch, avow, bare, be indicative of, be significant of, be symptomatic of, bear witness, bespeak, betoken, betray, blab, blurt out, brandish, break the seal, breathe, brief, bring forth, bring forward, bring into view, bring out, bring to light, bring to notice, bring word, certify, characterize, chime, chorus, clear, come out with, communicate, confess, connote, convey, dangle, deliver, demonstrate, denominate, denote, deobstruct, depone, depose, develop, differentiate, dig up, discover, disinter, dismask, display, divulge, dramatize, draw the veil, embody, emit, enact, enlighten, entail, enunciate, evidence, evince, excavate, exhibit, exhume, expose, expose to view, express, familiarize, ferret out, fink, fish up, flaunt, fling off, flourish, formulate, free, give, give away, give evidence, give expression, give notice, give out with, give sign, give the facts, give token, give tongue, give utterance, give voice, give word, highlight, hint, identify, illuminate, impart, incarnate, indicate, inform, instruct, involve, lay bare, lay open, leak, leave word, let daylight in, let know, let out, let slip, lip, make clear, make plain, make public, manifest, mark, materialize, mean, mention to, mouth, note, notify, open, open up, out with, own, parade, patefy, peach, perform, phonate, phrase, pour forth, present, produce, pronounce, put forth, put in words, raise, raise the curtain, rat, release, report, represent, reveal, roll out, root up, say, send word, serve notice, set forth, show, show forth, show up, signify, snitch, sound, speak, spill, spill the beans, spotlight, squeak, squeal, stand for, strip bare, suggest, swear, symptomatize, symptomize, tell, testify, throw off, token, trot out, turn up, unblock, uncase, unclench, uncloak, unclog, unclothe, unclutch, uncork, uncover, uncurtain, undo, undrape, unearth, unfold, unfoul, unfurl, unkennel, unlatch, unlock, unmask, unpack, unplug, unroll, unscreen, unseal, unsheathe, unshroud, unshut, unstop, unveil, unwrap, utter, verbalize, verse, vocalize, voice, vouch, warrant, wave, whisper, witness, word, worm out