List of discourage synonyms and discourage related words.
afflict, anticipate, avert, awe, bar, beat down, blunt, bother, cast down, check, chill, cool, cow, damp, dampen, dampen the spirits, darken, dash, daunt, debar, deflect, deject, demoralize, depress, deter, disaffect, disapprove of, dishearten, disincline, disinterest, dismay, disparage, dispirit, dissuade, distract, distress, divert, droop, estop, exclude, faze, fend, fend off, forbid, foreclose, forestall, frighten, help, hinder, indispose, inhibit, intimidate, irk, keep from, keep off, knock down, lower, lower the spirits, obviate, oppose, oppress, overawe, preclude, press down, prevent, prohibit, put off, quench, repel, restrain, rule out, sadden, save, scare, shake, sink, slow, stave off, stop, suppress, talk out of, trouble, try, turn aside, turn away, turn from, turn off, unman, unnerve, vex, ward off, wean from, weigh, weigh heavy upon, weigh upon