List of discourse synonyms and discourse related words.
accents, act, address, air, amplify, analyze, argue, article, assignment, bandy words, canvass, causerie, chalk talk, chatter, chew the fat, chew the rag, chin, colloque, colloquial discourse, colloquize, colloquy, comment, comment upon, commentate, commerce with, commune with, communicate, communicate with, communication, communion, confab, confabulate, consider, controvert, conversation, converse, converse with, conversing, criticize, deal with, debate, deduction, deductive reasoning, deliberate, deliberate upon, deliver an address, demonstration, descant, develop, dilate, discourse about, discourse of reason, discourse with, discursive reason, discuss, discussion, dispute, disquisition, dissert, dissertate, dissertation, do, elaborate, elocution, enact, enlarge, essay, etude, examination, examine, exchange, exchange views, excursus, exercise, expand, expatiate, explain, exposit, exposition, expound, feature, first approach, gab, give a talk, give-and-take, go into, handle, harangue, hold forth, homework, homily, impersonate, induction, inductive reasoning, inquire into, instruction, intercourse, interlocution, introductory study, investigate, knock around, language, lecture, lecture-demonstration, lesson, logical thought, lucubration, memoir, monograph, moral, moral lesson, morality, moralization, moralize, morceau, note, object lesson, oral communication, orate, outline, palaver, pandect, paper, paragraph, parole, pass under review, perform, perorate, personate, philosophy, piece, platform, play, playact, point a moral, prattle, preach, preachification, preaching, preachment, prelection, preliminary study, prolegomenon, proof, rap, rapping, ratiocination, rationalism, rationality, rationalization, rationalizing, read a lesson, reason, reason about, reason the point, reasonableness, reasoning, recital, recitation, religious discourse, remark, remark upon, research paper, review, rhetoric, screed, sermon, sermonette, sermonize, set task, shoot the breeze, sift, sketch, skull session, soapbox, sophistry, speak, speak with, speaking, special article, specious reasoning, speech, speechify, study, stump, survey, sweet reason, take counsel with, take the floor, take the stump, take up, talk, talk about, talk of, talk over, talk together, talking, task, teaching, term paper, theme, thesis, thresh out, touch upon, tract, tractate, travelogue, treat, treat of, treatise, treatment, utterance, ventilate, verbal intercourse, verbalization, visit with, voice, words, write up, yakkety-yak, yakking