List of dish synonyms and dish related words.
KO, antepast, autoclave, babble, baffle, bail, balk, billy, blast, boil, bowl, brave, broil, bucket, cackle, caddy, cage, can, canister, casserole, cave, cave in, challenge, chat, checkmate, china, chinaware, circumvent, clack, coaster, compote, concave, confound, confront, contravene, cook, counter, counteract, countermand, counterwork, course, cover, crock, cross, crucible, culinary masterpiece, culinary preparation, cup, dash, decant, defeat, defy, dessert, destroy, dip, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, dish out, dish up, disrupt, dither, do for, do in, elude, entree, entremets, fix, flummox, foil, fork, frustrate, fry, gab, gallipot, garbage can, gas, grill, help, helping, hod, holdall, hollow, hollow out, hopper, incurve, jaw, knock out, knock the chocks, ladle, magazine, main dish, mortar, mortarboard, nonplus, pail, palette, patera, perplex, pitcher, place, plate, platter, portion, pour, powder horn, prattle, retire, retreat, roast, ruin, sabotage, salver, saucer, scoop, scotch, scuttle, second helping, service, serving, settle, shoot down, shovel, side dish, sink, slop pail, spade, spike, spoil, spoon, stonewall, stump, tableware, thwart, tin, torpedo, trash can, tray, trencher, undo, upset, vat, waiter, wastepaper basket, watering can, yak