List of disillusion synonyms and disillusion related words.
awaken, awakening, baffle, balk, ban, bilk, blackball, blackballing, break the spell, burst the bubble, cast down, complaint, correct, cross, dash, debunk, debunking, defeat, defeat expectation, dim view, disabuse, disagreement, disappoint, disappointment, disapprobation, disapproval, discontent, discontentedness, discontentment, disenchant, disenchantment, disesteem, disfavor, disgruntlement, disillude, disillusionize, disillusionment, displeasure, disrespect, dissatisfaction, dissatisfy, dissent, distaste, enlighten, enlightenment, exclusion, expose, foil, frustrate, indignation, let down, let down easy, let in on, low estimation, low opinion, objection, opposition, opposure, ostracism, prick the bubble, protest, put straight, rejection, return to reality, rude awakening, set right, set straight, show up, tantalize, tease, tell the truth, thumbs-down, thwart, unblindfold, uncharm, undeceive, undeception, unhappiness, unspell, unspelling, wake up