List of dispute synonyms and dispute related words.
Kilkenny cats, Socratic method, abjure, agitate, altercate, altercation, apologetics, apologia, apology, argue, argufy, argument, argumentation, asking, assert the contrary, awake a doubt, bandy words, be diffident, be doubtful, be dubious, be skeptical, be uncertain, beef, belie, bicker, bicker over, bickering, bitch, blood feud, boggle, boycott, brawl, bringing into question, broil, buck, call in question, canvass, casuistry, cat-and-dog life, catechizing, cavil, challenge, choplogic, combat, combative reaction, complain, complain loudly, complaint, conflict, confront, confute, contend, contend about, contend with, contention, contentiousness, contest, contestation, contradict, contravene, controversy, controvert, counter, counteraction, cross, cross swords, cry out against, cut and thrust, debate, defense, defiance, demonstrate, demonstrate against, demur, deny, differ, difference of opinion, disaffirm, disagree with, disagreement, disallow, disavow, discept, disclaim, discord, discuss, discussion, disown, disprove, disputation, dissension, dissent, dissent from, dissentience, distrust, disturbance, donnybrook, donnybrook fair, doubt, duel, embroilment, enmity, enter a protest, examination, expostulate, face down, face out, face up to, falling-out, feud, fight, fight against, fight over, fighting, flite, fliting, flyting, forswear, fracas, fractiousness, front, fuss, gainsay, give and take, greet with skepticism, half believe, harbor suspicions, hassle, have it out, have reservations, have words, holler, hostility, howl, hubbub, hurrah, imbroglio, impugn, inquiring, interpellation, interrogation, join issue, join issue upon, kick, kick against, litigation, lock horns, logomachize, logomachy, make a stand, march, meet head-on, miff, misgive, mistrust, moot, negativism, noncooperation, not accept, not admit, nullify, object, object to, objection, obstinacy, offer resistance, open quarrel, oppose, opposition, paper war, passage of arms, passive resistance, pettifog, picket, plead, polemic, polemicize, polemics, polemize, press objections, probing, protest, pumping, quarrel, quarrel over, quarreling, quarrelsomeness, query, querying, question, questioning, quibble, quiz, quizzing, raise a howl, raise a question, rally, reaction, rebuff, rebut, recalcitrance, recalcitrancy, recalcitrate, recalcitration, recant, refractoriness, refuse to admit, refute, reluct, reluctance, remonstrance, remonstrate, renitence, renitency, renounce, repel, repellence, repellency, repudiate, repulse, repulsion, resistance, retract, revoke, revolt, rhubarb, row, rumpus, scrapping, scruple, seeking, set to, set-to, sharp words, show fight, sit in, slanging match, smell a rat, snarl, spar, spat, squabble, squabble over, squabbling, squawk, stand, stand at bay, stand up against, stand up to, state a grievance, strife, strike, strive against, struggle, suspect, take back, take exception to, take issue with, take sides, teach in, thrash out, throw doubt upon, tiff, traverse, treat with reserve, try conclusions, tussle, uncooperativeness, vendetta, verbal engagement, war, war of words, warfare, withstand, withstanding, words, wrangle, wrangle over, wrangling, yell bloody murder