List of distracted synonyms and distracted related words.
abandoned, abashed, abroad, adrift, amok, astray, at sea, bellowing, berserk, bewildered, bothered, careless, carried away, clueless, confused, delirious, demoniac, discomposed, disconcerted, dismayed, disoriented, disregardant, disregardful, distrait, distraught, distressed, disturbed, ecstatic, embarrassed, enraptured, feral, ferocious, fierce, frantic, frenzied, fulminating, furious, guessing, haggard, harassed, heedless, hog-wild, howling, hysterical, in a fix, in a maze, in a pickle, in a scrape, in a stew, in a transport, in hysterics, inadvertent, inattentive, incurious, indifferent, inobservant, intoxicated, lost, mad, madding, maniac, mazed, negligent, off the track, orgasmic, orgiastic, perturbed, possessed, put-out, rabid, raging, rambling, ramping, ranting, raving, ravished, regardless, roaring, running mad, storming, thoughtless, tormented, transported, troubled, turned around, uncontrollable, unheedful, unheeding, unmarking, unmindful, unnoticing, unnoting, unobservant, unobserving, unremarking, upset, violent, wandering, wild, wild-eyed, wild-looking, without a clue, worried