List of downpour synonyms and downpour related words.
affluence, afflux, affluxion, brash, burst of rain, cascade, cataract, chute, cloudburst, collapse, comedown, concourse, confluence, conflux, course, crash, crosscurrent, current, debacle, declension, declination, defluxion, deluge, descending, descension, descent, down, downbend, downcome, downcurve, downfall, downflow, downgrade, downrush, downtrend, downturn, downward trend, drencher, drift, driftage, drop, dropping, fall, falling, flood, flow, flowing, fluency, flux, gravitation, gush, gushing rain, heavy rain, inclination, inflow, inundation, mill run, millrace, monsoon, onrush, onward course, outflow, plash, plummeting, pounce, pour, race, rainburst, rainspout, rainstorm, rapids, run, rush, scud, set, soaker, soaking rain, spate, spout, stoop, stream, surge, swoop, thunderstorm, tide, torrent, torrent of rain, trend, undercurrent, undertow, water flow, waterfall, waterspout