List of downward synonyms and downward related words.
adown, ascending, axial, back, back-flowing, backward, below, collapsing, deciduous, declining, declivitous, decurrent, descendant, descending, down, down south, down-reaching, down-trending, downcoming, downfalling, downgoing, downgrade, downhill, downline, downright, downsinking, downstairs, downstream, downstreet, downtown, downwards, downwith, drifting, drooping, dropping, falling, flowing, fluent, flying, going, gyrational, gyratory, mounting, on the descendant, on the downgrade, passing, plummeting, plunging, progressive, reflowing, refluent, regressive, retrogressive, rising, rotary, rotational, rotatory, running, rushing, sagging, setting, sideward, sinking, sliding, slipping, soaring, streaming, submerging, subsiding, tottering, tumbledown, up-trending, upward