List of droop synonyms and droop related words.
amble, bad, bag, become suicidal, blow, blue, break, break down, burn out, cadence, cascade, cast down, catenary, cave, cave in, collapse, come apart, come unstuck, conk out, couch, crack up, crumble, daggle, dangle, decline, decurrence, dejected, demit, depend, depress, depressed, desiccate, despair, despond, deteriorate, diminish, disintegrate, dispirited, doleful, down, downhearted, drabble, drag, draggle, drape, droopy, drop, dry up, dwindle, fade, fade away, fail, faint, fall, fatigue, fizzle out, flag, flap, flop, flop down, flounce, flow, flump, flump down, founder, gait, gallop, gasp, get tired, give out, give way, go down, go downhill, go soft, go to pieces, grow weary, hang, hang down, hit rock bottom, hit the skids, hitch, hobble, jade, jog, languish, lapse, let down, limp, lock step, loll, lollop, lop, lose heart, lose strength, lower, lowering, lurch, mince, mincing steps, nod, pace, paddle, pant, peak, peg out, pend, peter out, piaffer, pine, play out, plop, plop down, plumb the depths, plump, poop out, prance, puff, puff and blow, rack, reach the depths, roll, run down, run out, sag, saunter, scuttle, sear, set, settle, shrink, shrivel, shuffle, sidle, single-foot, sink, sink down, sinkage, sling, slink, slither, slouch, slowness, slump, slump down, stagger, stalk, step, stride, stroll, strolling gait, strut, submerge, submergence, subside, subsidence, succumb, suspend, swag, swagger, swing, tire, toddle, totter, touch bottom, trail, tread, trollop, trot, velocity, waddle, walk, waste, waste away, weaken, wear away, wear thin, weary, weep, wheeze, wilt, wither, wither away, wizen, yield