List of duration synonyms and duration related words.
abidingness, age, antiquity, changelessness, chronology, constancy, continuance, continuation, continuity, defeat of time, defiance of time, diuturnity, durability, durableness, duree, endurance, firmness, fixedness, frozenness, hardening, immobility, immovability, immovableness, immutability, invariability, invariableness, inveteracy, lastingness, long standing, long-lastingness, long-livedness, longevity, maintenance, perdurability, perennation, period, permanence, permanency, perpetualness, perpetuity, persistence, persistency, psychological time, quiescence, rigidity, run, solidity, space, space-time, span, spell, stability, standing, stasis, steadfastness, survival, survivance, tense, tenure, term, the future, the past, the present, tide, time, timebinding, torpor, unchangeability, unchangingness, while