List of earthy synonyms and earthy related words.
Adamic, Adamite, Adamitic, Circean, Philistine, abandoned, adobe, animal, animalistic, anthropocentric, anthropological, banausic, bawdy, beastlike, beastly, bestial, bodily, broad, brutal, brute, brutish, carnal, carnal-minded, clayey, clayish, coarse, crass, crude, dirty, down-to-earth, dusty, earthly, fallen, finite, fleshly, frail, frank, gaudy, gross, gumbo, gutter, hard-boiled, hardheaded, hominal, homocentric, human, humanistic, indecent, lapsed, loamy, loud, low, lusty, man-centered, marly, material, materialistic, matter-of-fact, meretricious, mortal, muddy, mundane, nonspiritual, obscene, only human, orgiastic, physical, positivistic, postlapsarian, practical, practical-minded, pragmatic, profane, rank, rational, raw, realist, realistic, reasonable, ribald, rough, rude, sandy, sane, scientific, scientistic, secular, sensible, sensual, shameless, sober-minded, soily, sound, sound-thinking, straight-thinking, swinish, tellurian, telluric, temporal, terrene, terrestrial, unangelic, uncouth, unideal, unidealistic, uninhibited, unrefined, unromantic, unsentimental, unspiritual, vulgar, wanton, weak, worldly