List of easement synonyms and easement related words.
abatement, absolute interest, aid and comfort, allayment, alleviation, analgesia, anesthesia, anesthetizing, appeasement, assuagement, assurance, benefit, claim, comfort, common, condolence, consolation, contingent interest, deadening, diminishment, diminution, disburdening, disencumberment, dulling, ease, easing, encouragement, equitable interest, equity, estate, holding, interest, lessening, lightening, limitation, lulling, mitigation, mollification, numbing, palliation, part, percentage, reassurance, reduction, relief, remedy, right, right of entry, salving, settlement, shred of comfort, softening, solace, solacement, soothing, stake, strict settlement, subduement, support, sympathy, title, trust, unballasting, unburdening, unfreighting, unlading, unloading, unsaddling, untaxing, use, vested interest