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economical synonyms and economical related words

Synonyms -> economical synonyms

List of economical synonyms and economical related words.

Scotch, budget, canny, careful, chary, cheap, cheeseparing, close, conservative, conserving, easy, economic, economizing, economy, forehanded, frugal, inexpensive, labor-saving, low, low-priced, manageable, mean, miserly, moderate, modest, money-saving, niggardly, nominal, parsimonious, penny-pinching, penny-wise, penurious, politico-economic, provident, prudent, prudential, reasonable, saving, scrimping, sensible, shabby, shoddy, skimping, socio-economic, spare, sparing, stingy, thrifty, tight, tight-fisted, time-saving, token, unexpensive, unwasteful, within means, worth the money