List of effective synonyms and effective related words.
able, acid, active, actual, adequate, armipotent, authoritative, banausic, basic, biting, capable, charismatic, charming, cogent, compelling, competent, consequential, conspicuous, convincing, corrosive, cutting, direct, driving, dynamic, effectual, efficacious, efficient, enchanting, energetic, equal to, essential, estimable, feasible, forceful, forcible, functional, functioning, go, gutsy, high-potency, high-powered, high-pressure, high-tension, imperative, important, impressive, in force, in operation, in power, incisive, influential, irresistible, magnetic, mighty, mighty in battle, momentous, mordant, moving, nervous, noticeable, operable, operational, operative, outstanding, penetrating, personable, persuasive, piercing, poignant, potent, powerful, practicable, practical, pragmatic, prepotent, prestigious, productive, proficient, puissant, punchy, real, realizable, remarkable, reputable, ruling, sensational, serviceable, sinewed, sinewy, slashing, sound, striking, strong, suasive, substantial, telling, trenchant, true, up to, useful, valid, vigorous, virtuous, vital, weighty, winning, workable