List of embargo synonyms and embargo related words.
Eighteenth Amendment, Prohibition Party, Volstead Act, ban, bar, bar out, barrier, barring, block, blockade, blockage, boycott, cease, cessation, check, circumscription, contraband, count out, cut off, debar, debarment, debarring, demarcation, denial, deny, disallow, disallowance, enjoin, exception, exclude, exclude from, exclusion, forbid, forbiddance, forbidden fruit, forbidding, freeze out, hinder, hindrance, hold back, hold up, ignore, impede, impediment, inadmissibility, index, index expurgatorius, index librorum prohibitorum, inhibit, inhibition, injunction, interdict, interdiction, interdictum, keep out, law, leave out, lock out, lockout, narrowing, no-no, nonadmission, omission, omit, ostracize, outlaw, pass over, preclude, preclusion, prevent, prevention, prohibit, prohibition, prohibitory injunction, proscribe, proscription, refusal, refuse, reject, rejection, relegate, relegation, repress, repression, repudiate, repudiation, restrain, restraint, restrict, restriction, restrictive covenants, retard, rule out, ruling out, say no to, send to Coventry, shut out, statute, stop, stoppage, sumptuary laws, suppress, suppression, taboo, zoning, zoning laws