List of ensemble synonyms and ensemble related words.
German band, Liederkranz, Liedertafel, Philharmonic, a cappella, acting company, admixture, agglomeration, aggregate, all at once, alloy, amalgam, apparel, assemblage, attire, band, big band, blend, brass, brass band, brass choir, brass quintet, brass section, brasses, callithumpian band, cast, cast of characters, chamber chorus, chamber orchestra, characters, choir, choral group, choral society, choral symphony, chorale, chorus, circus troupe, clothes, clothing, collection, collectively, combination, combo, commixture, communally, company, composite, composition, compound, concert band, concoction, confection, conglomeration, conjointly, coordinates, corporately, corps de ballet, costume, desks, dixieland band, dramatis personae, en masse, entirety, gamelan orchestra, garb, garments, glee club, group, immixture, in a body, in association, in company, in conjunction, intermixture, jazz band, jointly, jug band, magma, military band, mixed chorus, mixture, mutually, oratorio society, orchestra, outfit, paste, quartet, quintet, ragtime band, repertory company, rock-and-roll group, set, sextet, singing club, skiffle band, steel band, stock company, street band, string band, string choir, string orchestra, string quartet, strings, supporting cast, swing band, symphony, symphony orchestra, together, totality, trio, troupe, unitedly, voices, waits, whole, woodwind, woodwind choir, woodwind quartet, woodwinds