List of epitome synonyms and epitome related words.
abbreviation, abbreviature, abrege, abridgement, abridgment, abstract, antetype, antitype, apocope, archetype, biotype, breviary, brief, capsule, classic example, compend, compendium, compression, condensation, condensed version, conspectus, contraction, criterion, curtailment, digest, draft, elision, ellipsis, embodiment, essence, exemplar, foreshortening, fugleman, fugler, genotype, head, imitatee, last word, lead, mirror, model, original, outline, overview, pandect, paradigm, pattern, personification, precedent, precis, prototype, quintessence, recap, recapitulation, reduction, representative, resume, retrenchment, review, rubric, rule, shortened version, shortening, skeleton, sketch, standard, sum, summary, summation, summing-up, survey, syllabus, syncope, synopsis, telescoping, thumbnail sketch, topical outline, truncation, type, type species, type specimen, typical example, ultimate, urtext