List of estimate synonyms and estimate related words.
account as, add, adjudge, adjudicate, algebraize, analyzing, appraisal, appraise, appraisement, appraising, appreciate, appreciation, approximate, approximation, ascertain, assay, assess, assessing, assessment, assize, assizement, assume, assumption, attitude, be afraid, belief, believe, calculate, calculation, calibrate, caliper, call, cast, check a parameter, cipher, class, climate of opinion, common belief, community sentiment, computation, compute, conceit, conceive, concept, conception, conclusion, conjecture, consensus gentium, consider, consideration, correction, count, daresay, decide, deduce, deem, determination, determine, dial, discover, divide, dope out, enumerate, esteem, estimation, ethos, evaluate, evaluating, evaluation, evaluative criticism, expect, extract roots, eye, fancy, fathom, feeling, figure, figure in, figure out, form an estimate, gauge, gauging, general belief, give an appreciation, graduate, guess, guesstimate, have a hunch, have an idea, have an impression, have an inkling, have the idea, hold, hold as, idea, imagine, impression, infer, instrumentation, judge, judgement, judgment, lights, look upon as, maintain, make an estimation, mark, measure, measurement, measuring, mensurate, mensuration, mete, meter, metric system, mind, multiply, mystique, notion, observation, opine, opinion, pace, personal judgment, place, plumb, point of view, popular belief, position, posture, presume, presumption, prevailing belief, price, prize, probe, projection, public belief, public opinion, put, quantification, quantify, quantization, quantize, rank, ranking, rate, rating, reaction, reckon, reckoning, regard, round, score, sense, sentiment, set at, set down as, settle, sight, size, size up, sound, span, stance, step, stock, subtract, sum, suppose, surmise, survey, surveying, suspect, take, take a reading, take account of, take for, take it, tally, telemetering, telemetry, theory, think, thinking, thought, triangulate, triangulation, trow, valuate, valuation, value, valuing, view, view as, viewpoint, way of thinking, ween, weigh, weighing, work out