List of eulogy synonyms and eulogy related words.
acclaim, acclamation, accolade, address, adulation, after-dinner speech, allocution, apotheosis, applause, bepraisement, burial service, chalk talk, citation, commendation, compliment, congratulation, coronach, dead march, death knell, death song, deathwatch, debate, declamation, deification, diatribe, dirge, elegy, eloge, encomium, epicedium, eulogium, exaltation, excessive praise, exequies, exhortation, extreme unction, filibuster, flattery, forensic, forensic address, formal speech, funeral march, funeral oration, funeral rites, funeral song, glorification, glory, graveside oration, harangue, hero worship, homage, hommage, honor, honorable mention, hortatory address, idolatry, idolizing, inaugural, inaugural address, invective, jeremiad, keen, knell, kudos, last duty, last honors, last offices, last rites, laud, laudation, lionizing, magnification, meed of praise, mention, monody, muffled drums, obsequies, oration, overpraise, paean, panegyric, passing bell, pep talk, peroration, philippic, pitch, plaudits, praise, prepared speech, prepared text, public speech, reading, recital, recitation, requiem, requiem mass, sales talk, salutation, salutatory, salutatory address, say, screed, set speech, speech, speechification, speeching, talk, talkathon, threnode, threnody, tirade, tribute, valediction, valedictory, valedictory address, viaticum, wake