List of evasive synonyms and evasive related words.
ambiguous, amoral, bickering, cagey, captious, casuistic, caviling, choplogic, close, closemouthed, conscienceless, corrupt, corrupted, criminal, crooked, cunning, dark, deceitful, devious, discreet, dishonest, dishonorable, dissembling, doubtful, dubious, elusive, elusory, equivocal, equivocating, equivocatory, felonious, fishy, fraudulent, hairsplitting, hedging, ill-got, ill-gotten, immoral, indirect, insidious, intangible, logic-chopping, malingering, misleading, nit-picking, not kosher, oblique, paltering, petty, picayune, prevaricating, pussyfooting, questionable, quibbling, rotten, secret, secretive, shady, shameless, shifty, shirking, shuffling, sinister, sliding, slippery, sly, sophistical, suspicious, tergiversant, tergiversating, trichoschistic, tricky, trifling, trivial, unclear, uncommunicative, unconscienced, unconscientious, unconscionable, underhand, underhanded, unethical, unprincipled, unsavory, unscrupulous, unstraightforward, vague, weasel-worded, without remorse, without shame