List of everyday synonyms and everyday related words.
Attic, accepted, accustomed, average, chaste, circadian, classic, classical, colloquial, common, commonplace, conformable, consuetudinary, conventional, conversational, current, customary, daily, diurnal, dull, established, familiar, frequent, frequentative, garden, garden-variety, generally accepted, habitual, homely, homespun, household, inferior, informal, lowly, many, many times, matter-of-fact, mediocre, mundane, nondescript, nonstandard, normal, normative, not rare, obtaining, of common occurrence, oft-repeated, oftentime, ordinary, plain, popular, predominating, prescribed, prescriptive, prevailing, prevalent, prosaic, prosy, pure, pure and simple, quotidian, received, recurrent, regular, regulation, routine, run-of-the-mill, set, simple, spoken, standard, stock, substandard, thick-coming, time-honored, traditional, uneducated, unexceptional, unexciting, unimaginative, universal, unliterary, unremarkable, unstudied, usual, vernacular, widespread, wonted, workaday, workday