List of evil eye synonyms and evil eye related words.
Jonah, anathema, bad blood, bad influence, bad temper, bad will, ban, bedroom eyes, blasphemy, blighting glance, cantrip, charm, come-hither look, commination, curse, damnation, denunciation, enchantment, evil disposition, evil genius, evil star, excommunication, execration, exorcism, fulmination, gape, gaze, glad eye, glamour, glare, glower, glowering look, goggle, hex, hoodoo, ill nature, ill will, ill wind, ill-disposedness, imprecation, jinx, magic spell, malevolence, malevolent influence, malison, malocchio, ogle, penetrating look, proscription, spell, stare, thundering, voodoo, wanga, weird, whammy