List of exaction synonyms and exaction related words.
admission, admission fee, anchorage, blackmail, bother, brokerage, burdening, call, call for, carfare, cellarage, charge, charges, charging, claim, contribution, cover charge, demand, demand for, dockage, draft, drain, dues, duty, entrance fee, exactment, extortion, extortionate demand, fare, fee, freighting, heavy demand, hire, imposing an onus, imposition, impost, inconsiderateness, inconvenience, indent, infliction, insistent demand, laying on, levy, license fee, loading, loading down, nonnegotiable demand, notice, obtrusiveness, order, pilotage, portage, presumptuousness, rending, requirement, requisition, ripping, rush, rush order, salvage, scot, scot and lot, shot, storage, tasking, tax, taxing, tearing, toll, towage, tribute, trouble, ultimatum, unwarranted demand, warning, weighting, wharfage, wrench, wrenching, wrest, wresting, wring, wringing